Web hosting is a service that lets users and companies make their web sites reachable to others using the internet. Web hosting firms provide the technology and infrastructure required to store website files (HTML, CSS, images, etc.) and serve them to visitors upon accessing the site.
Types of Web Hosting
1.Shared Hosting:
Multiple web sites share the same server and resources (CPU, RAM, storage).
Pros: Cost-effective, beginner-friendly.
Cons: Limited resources, slow performance during high traffic.
2.Dedicated Hosting:
One site on one server.
No Advantages: Total control and speed.
No Disadvantages: Costly and not very easy to use.
3.Cloud Hosting:
Multiple interconnected servers used to host a single site.
Pros: Scalable, Reliable and pay-as-you go
Cons: This can be more cost-intensive than shared hosting.
What is VPS Hosting?
VPS, or Virtual Private Server Hosting, is a type of hosting where a physical server is divided into multiple virtual servers, each working as an independent server environment.
Key Features of VPS Hosting
• Dedicated Resources: Each VPS gets a fixed portion of the server’s resources (RAM, CPU, storage).
• Customization: Users have root access to configure the server to their specific needs.
• Scalability: Resources can be increased as your website grows.
• Isolation: Unlike shared hosting, other websites on the server won’t affect your VPS.
How to Use?
• Share Hosting in case you only have a personal blog site or you have a new small business website.
• VPS Hosting if the need arises for more customization, superior performance, and heavier traffic.
Selecting the hosting type right for your needs will ensure you get optimal performance and scalability with your website.